Niki Fuchs: Technology is changing the face of workplace mental health – let’s embrace it

1 min read
Published: 9 Mar 2021 9:29

With World Mental Health Day yesterday, Niki Fuchs, Co-Founder and Managing Director of OSiT, explores the increasing role of technology in helping businesses support their staff's wellbeing, in this recent article with HR Review.

It is estimated that mental health related absences collectively cost UK businesses billions of pounds each year, not to mention losses related due to lack of motivation and poor productivity. It is therefore clear that mental wellbeing at work needs to be a priority; not only is it the right thing to do, it makes good business sense.

Niki highlights some easy ways that technology can help to foster happier, healthier and more motivated workforces.

Incorporating quality technology as part of office infrastructure (e.g. high-speed internet and modern AV amenities) can help employees to work in a more streamlined and connected way. Having fast and efficient IT support available also helps to reduce the stress associated with tech frustrations.

Demand for flexible working practises is on the rise, with workers saying that greater flexibility can directly impact their mental health. Employers need to recognise and respond to this, by accommodating more flexible ways of working. Having the right technology in place will be key to underpinning the ability to offer more part time or remote working solutions.

Working environments can differ greatly, but the smallest of environmental factors, such as room temperature, air quality and natural light can have a huge impact on employees overall mental health and also productivity. By using smart technology natural light and air quality can be optimised,  causing little disruption but adding significant benefits.

In the past employers may have overlooked their workforce’s mental health but these days it should be at the top of the agenda for every business.

Read the full article here
