The Lonely Workers Club: Niki Fuchs in Facilitate Magazine

1 min read
Published: 9 Mar 2021 9:30

Have you heard of the Lonely Workers Club?

Lonely workers take twice as many sick days, perform less well, and demonstrate less commitment. In fact, a recent OSiT survey suggested that 29% of workers found loneliness to be the biggest downside of working from home, with 25% of respondents reporting feelings of anxiety.

The negative experience of home working promoted our divisional manager Georgia Sandom to establish a ‘Lonely Workers Club’ in July, which has provided some workers with a safe, communal workspace, offering much-needed respite from the isolation of working from home.

Discussing these very impacts in Facilitate Magazine, OSiT Managing Director Niki Fuchs outlines why a safe return to the office will be critical for this generation of workers to reach their full potential and argues that, while businesses face a longer-term challenge to get teams back to work, it’s clear that the impact on worker productivity and wellbeing must urgently be addressed.

Read the full article here.
