Improving wellbeing in the workplace - Niki Fuchs in Facilities Management Journal

1 min read
Published: 9 Mar 2021 9:30

It's the little changes that can make a huge difference to our health at work.

In a recent article with Facilities Management Journal, Managing Director at Office Space in Town, Niki Fuchs, discusses how employers can ensure positive physical and mental wellbeing at work.

From encouraging an open dialogue through to introducing new workplace initiatives, Niki discusses the simple steps to encourage a kinder, closer culture and workplace community:

Creating the right culture, where employees feel appreciated, rewarded and trusted, is fundamental to helping them maintain a healthy relationship with their job, thus supporting their mental health too. Encouraging open and honest conversations, raising awareness of mental health and providing assistance through health programmes are other ways to help. Being proactive (rather than reactive) can make a big difference. For example, introducing all-staff training programmes to teach staff about stress and mental health concerns, and how to recognise this in themselves and their colleagues, helps to ensure stress does not build. However, it also promotes the sort of open dialogue that sits at the heart of a supportive and caring business culture, which in itself can help to reduce stress triggers.

Remembering that human connection is an import driver of wellbeing. Advancements in technology, the rise of remote working and hotdesking can mean that employees spend less time with their colleagues. Therefore, businesses should prioritise the social aspect of work too, creating break out spaces and organising social events, can help to create a sense of community within the workplace. Recognising the employees are people, not machines, goes a long way to creating a kinder, closer culture in a business, leading to happier more motivated staff, and ultimately a better overall business.

You can read Niki's piece in FMJ here
